Jacqueline Coates is a well-known South Australian artist, based in Kapunda. Her work is predominately floral in nature utilising thick impasto style application of coloured hue. Her work is on show in Robe at Gallery 26 through January. Coates began her artistic life 10 years ago as an art director, one night she had a dream of painting a rose, so she did. She discovered within herself a desire to paint. I can relate to this, as soon as the eye of a colourist is awakened beware, for it is always hungry! I enjoy her work on one level as her syrupy painting style drips from the canvas enticing me to delve into further exploration. Her tonal rendering is often reminiscent of mid 19th century works and leads the eye well about the composition. However, her subject matter is the superficial landscape of the Barossa Valley, something you might expect to find in a group of advertising photographs of the area. Her work suits a specific clientele, as so does not move out of its comfort zone for fear of losing her client base. When an artist’s work starts to become commercial there is a danger that they can become locked in a niche. I can still see a joy within Jacqueline’s work and I hope it does not waver. Her work looks beautiful when displayed large in stately homes, the colours create mood. I feel relaxed and somewhat hungry :), when I visit friends’ houses where a Coates is hanging (pardon the pun). Her work is pleasant, warm and rich. You imagine a warm fire, a bottle of red and a group of chatty friends when you view it.
Jacqueline’s work has featured on shows such as Getaway and her work has been displayed in magazines such as Country Style. If anyone is in Robe around New Years, it is definitely worth going to have a look.