Adelaide Anagard

Prospect Rd

Anagard is a world renowned stencil artist from Indonesia. His work often incorporates traditional motifs and explores a variety of thematic approaches. He is very active, both in his home country and abroad. You might have come across his work around the streets of Adelaide.

One interesting aspect of his work that his characters are a blend of human and animal. Often his characters are depicted in the process of giving something, with thier hands outstretched.

He was in Adelaide working with Tutti Arts for their exhibition “Beastly” which was part of the Oz Asia Festival in 2016. For this exhibition, he worked closely with local Tutti artists to develop their stencilling skills. Some have gone on to plan their own exhibitions later in 2017.

I was fortunate to meet him and watch him work on East Rundle street.

I was able to ask a few questions about him and his work

Prospect Rd Mural

Can you tell me about how you get your ideas? How would you describe the street art that you do?

Hej Arthunter! My idea making Street art come from the context of where l stay. Starting from my personal experience, my social life and environment.

Prospect Rd

Why do a lot of your stencils have animal heads on them?

I have used animal heads as images of my works come from my local myth and my local philosophy and religion. Our ancestors believe that is our behaviour related with life of animals.

What apart from street art takes up most of your time?

Street art and travelling is one best way to promote my idea around the world. Mostly my works get influence from The places l will visit. As in Adelaide, Australia. Mostly l took images featuring Australian animals.

Did you learn art at school or on your own? Who taught you to do what you do?

I’m starting making art since elementary school. That time l was spent make portraits realistic and landscape.

Mostly my interests give me strong making art. Cause I’m from West Sumatra. There are a lot of beautiful landscape as beach, hill, volcano, rice fields, jungle, valley.  Then l went to painting class in. High school then l was graduated from a bachelor in contemporary sculpture.

I have learned to make street art by myself.

Yes, l learn  from other artists,

And also from books, and video documentation Festival Street art in the world:)

My inspiration and my favourite street artist is “Swoon” from California.

She is My good friend 🙂

Creating a piece on Little Rundle Street, Kent Town

Anagard Artworks from the Tutti Exhibition

Some of the Tutti Artists work

Find out more about this fascinating artist

Anagard Facebook page

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